Hope Is Alive

Hope is Alive (HIA) exists to radically change the lives of drug addicts, alcoholics and those that love them. HIA has enjoyed incredible success turning brokenness into beauty, shame into sobriety, and helping facilitate the restoration of hundreds of lives. The second chance stories are endless; mothers and fathers returning home, marriages restored, families reunited, young adults returning to college, and men and women becoming productive, healthy, working citizens in their communities. HIA provides Faith-Focused mentoring homes for addicted individuals.

There is a team of people within our church that have “adopted” a HIA house. This team helps provide and host a Sunday evening meal once each quarter for the residents of our house. They make monthly contributions of two or three cleaning supplies to be used by the house. They are committed to pray daily for each of the residents. Consider joining this team!

14401 N May Ave, OKC, OK 73134 | hopeisalive.net | 844-346-7366

Vicki Gilstrap | vlgilstrap@gmail.com | 405-623-830


Exodus House


Foster Family Christmas Party