
A Team of New Covenant young adults have been building relationships in a children’s home in Guatemala called Casa Aleluya since 2008. “Casa” has hundreds of children, and we spend our time doing various activities with different dorms (dorms are by gender and age group) like VBS or fun themed nights. We also have built a special bond with a group of girls since they were ~5 years old. We usually take them on special outings (like the movie theater or theme park) or put on a fun celebration just for that group within Casa.

There are often opportunities for service projects around the campus to improve or fix their facilities. The trip looks just a little different each year, and we take time to carefully plan and coordinate with Casa Aleluya to have a trip filled with love and service for those children and for the leadership there. The mission trip has historically taken place around the end of June each year for about 10 days total.

In June of 2023 a team of 14 individuals from New Covenant were able to serve at Casa Aleluya and even planned a special trip to the beach for the children!

If you want any information on the mission, you can reach out to Travis Bruno (405) 650-5459, or Casa Aleluya:


Orvis Risner Elementary School


Sent Out Saturday